Category Archives: Food

At work to After work.

Me at yesterday’s work. I  have not recorded anything with my GoPro since I did not played game. My work was to do a marshal of the charter game. What marshal do is to keep the time for each game, set up items for players and so on. 昨日の自分。頭にGoPro付けてますが、何も撮影していないので飾りでした。私はゲームのマスターを務め、時間経過の報告をしたり、ゲームで使うアイテムを用意したりしていました。

DPM Desert

The customers brought spicy soup to field with heater, rice cooker and plates! Me and our coworker got some too! It was de-li-cios, since we are working at outdoor field, so the body was craving for some hot stuff! 今回のお客様たちはチゲ鍋を持参していらっしゃいました。IHヒーターも持参してきてお昼は温かチゲ鍋を用意していました。作りすぎてしまったとの事で、お裾分けしていただきました。寒い中では体が温かく辛い食べ物を欲していたので、旨さ倍増でした!

Chige Soup
Chige Soup
Chige soup with me
Chige soup with me

While I was doing marshal in the game, I found out there are two Razer girls Japan were here‼ I’m fan of Razer product and I had the sticker on my MP5SD6.  今回のゲームにはなんとRazerガールジャパンのお二人がいらっしゃってました!僕はRazer製品のファンなので自分のMP5SD6にRazerのシールを貼っていました。

Razer sticker on my MP5SD6
Razer sticker on my MP5SD6
Razer girls Japan with my MP5SD6
Razer girls Japan with my MP5SD6

They asked me about I’m a fan of Razer product. Indeed I am! I asked them to take picture with my gun and got their signature on my Surface! Thanks to Razer girls Japan!! If you are interested them, here are the link. “Razer Girls Japan Saki Yoshida“& Yuka Kuramoti“ 僕はRazer製品のファンなので彼女たちのサインと写真を頂きました!もしご興味があれば彼女たちをチェックしてみて下さい。”Razer ガールズ ジャパン 吉田早希倉持由香

Thanks to Razer Girls Japan!
Thanks to Razer Girls Japan!

After work 仕事終わり

One of my best friend showed up after my work hours. 仲の良い友人が顔を見せに来てくれてました!

My buddy
My buddy

He was about to leave Tokyo for shot time to go snow boarding in his hometown. We went to burger place near my workplace called “Sonny’s House“. I ordered Cheese Burger and my buddy ordered Chicken burger with Salsa. I will say my burger was better than his, and he agreed. 彼は夜行バスで地元に戻る夜行バスが夜遅くに出る為、時間つぶしがてらに一緒にご飯を食べに行きました。まず最初に職場の近くにあるバーガー屋さん”Sonny’s House”に行きました。僕はチーズバーガー、彼はチキンバーガーを頂きました。味はチーズバーガーが上回ったと思い、彼に食べてもらうと彼もチーズバーガーのがうまいと言っていました(笑)

Sonny's House burgers
Two burgers on aside

After finishing up the burgers, we went to Akihabara. My buddy told me there is a good Ramen place in Akihabara, so we went there. Since its Chinese new year, lots of people from China, Taiwan, and Hong-Kong were in Akihabara for shopping. We went the Ramen store called “Menya Musashi“ ハンバーガーを食べ終わった後はいつもの秋葉原に。友人がおいしいラーメン屋さんを紹介してくれる事になったので、そのお店に行ってきました。麺屋武蔵 巖虎というラーメン屋さんにお邪魔して、僕はラーメン、彼はつけ麺をオーダー。濃ゆい味かと思ったら、ほんのり柑橘系?の香りがあって美味しかった!ただ帰り際に一言。「ここつけ麺屋なのでなんでラーメン頼んだの?(笑)」 私はラーメンのが食べたかったので、そこはラーメン屋だと思ったの一点張り!

Ramen with thick noodle
Thumbs up to Tsukemen
Thumbs up to Tsukemen

It was a long day, but I had full satisfactory! Yay!! 一日長かったけれど充実した一日でした!!

【Today’s Music】

On the way to work in Akihabara

I have been going to Akihabara a lot for work, but on the way to work, I always find some weird thing in Akihabara. 最近は秋葉原での仕事が多く仕事に向かう度に変な面白いものを見つけたりしてます。

First, I found Gacha center inside of station. Which means, if you do not have train ticket, you cannot able to get Gacha. I mentioned Gacha before in post from past, that was the game Gacha, but this one is real life Gacha. One Gacha costs from 100yen to 300yen. まず最初は駅構内に設置されていたガチャコーナー。切符を買わないとプレイ出来ないとは面白いけど、限定品などではなさそうでした。最近のガチャは100円だけじゃなく、300円の物まで出てきましたね!Gacha 1 Gacha 2 New arrival Gacha

Today was a commercialized car near Akihabara station. It was advertizing TV show. I saw the back side of the car, I thought it was a new redbull car. 駅から出ると、変な宣伝カーが・・・。センスが…(笑)

Weird Commecialized CarWeird commercialized car from sideI had cheap Ramen today at “Hakata Furyu”. I ordered spicy Miso flavor Ramen and it costs 600yen. Also you can get  noodle refuel for free up to two times!! I forgot to take free noodle… 今日は【博多風龍】というところでラーメンを頂きました。価格は600円とお手頃で、なんと替え玉無料!替え玉の写真は撮り忘れました・・・。

博多風龍 辛味噌ラーメン

【Today’s Music】

すた丼 “Stadon”

While the break at work, me and my coworker went to rice bowl restaurant called ”すた丼(Stadon)”. I ordered spice rice bowl today. It was raining today,so the store had a campaign for free dumpling because of the rain. 仕事の休憩時間に近くの丼ぶり屋さんの【すた丼】秋葉原店に行ってきました。雨だったことで半餃子の無料キャンペーンがやってて、そちらもご一緒にオーダー!

Free dumpling

When the rice bowl showed up, the green pepper was in the bowl…. I was like, “Hey(to my cowoker), can you eat my green pepper?” with smiley face. He accepted for me since I do not like green pepper.  Here is the before after of my rice bowl. メニューから【旨辛丼】をチョイスしたが、ピーマンが入ってたので同僚に食べてもらいました(笑) 味はそこそこ美味しかったが、ピーマンだけがなぁ。。。IMG_20150217_193132IMG_20150217_193431

The taste of rice bowl itself was pretty good. The store is located in Akihabara, so if you have any chance, try it! 秋葉原に寄った際は行ってみてはいかがでしょうか。


Photo of my coworker ate green pepper for me. ピーマンを食べてくれた同僚の写真。


【Today’s Music】

Akihabara “The mecca of Anime”

Today was my off, so I went to Akihabara to shop some accessories for my GoPro. Hero3+. I went to Softmap and Yodobashi Camera in Akihabara; however, I could not find anything that I wanted. The new Radio-Kan building was very clean and the stores inside the building were placed well. Before this one, most of the floors were crowded and hard to move around.

今日はお仕事がお休みだった為、秋葉原に行ってきました。私のGoPro Hero3+に取り付けるアクセサリ―を見て回ったんですが、ほしいものが見つからずに秋葉原をうろうろ・・・。

New Radio-Kan

On the way back home, I was craving for Kebab, so I went to one of the Kebab store called “Star★Kebab”


Star★KebabI ordered Chicken Kebab because I have not tried yet before and it is the cheapest Kebab you can get. 一番安いチキンケバブは食べたことがなかったので、辛口ソースで頂きました。味はそこそこと言っても本場のケバブの味を知りませんから!(笑)

Chicken KebabOn the way home, I was still hungry, so I tried the new Ramen store near Komagome station. They serves Yokohama style Ramen, and the prices are starts from 690yen. 最寄り駅から帰る途中にまだお腹が空いていたの、新しくできた横浜系のラーメン屋さんに行ってきました。一番安い醤油豚骨ラーメンをオーダーしました。New ramen shop near Komagome station

In my opinion, this Ramen was…meh (sigh). I did not like it because the noodle were not cooked enough, plus the Ramen was too oily. Maybe some people will like it, but I don’t… sorry. 味はですねぇ。。。僕は好きじゃない。麺がしっかりと茹っていなかったのと、油が多すぎました。好きな人は好きだと思いますが、僕はもう行かないでしょうね・・・。

【Today’s Music】

Delicious stuffs in Yokohama

昨日、横浜の友人とらぁめん夢というラーメン店とステーキ&ハンバーグ ハワイというステーキ店にお邪魔しました。夜にかなり食べて疲れてしまったので、帰宅してからすぐに休んでましたが、早朝からその二軒のレビューをしたいと思います。




二軒目のお店はステーキ&ハンバーグ ハワイ







Noriyuki Wakiyama

What is Ramen?

Ramen is one of the famous Japanese soup noodle and recently, it has been expanded to world to share Japanese taste. There are 5 major types of Ramen in Japan. Soy sauce base, salt base, pork base, miso base and Tsukemen-style. Tsukemen-style is different than ordinal ramen because the noodle and soup will serve separeted. Therefore, we dip the noodle into soup and eat like a Soba (Japanese cold noodle). Depend on the area of Japan have different style of noodle and that is one of the great way to know what  kind of Ramen you like. In my hometown which is in Kantoh regeion, the soy sauce Ramen is most common one. On the other hand, in Kyushu regieon (South-west of Japan), the most common Ramen is pork base. If you decided tomtravel to anywhere in Japan, I will recommend you to try 2-3 Ramen to taste the local flavored Ramen. Also in the book store, there are guide book for Ramen places. You will be amazed to how much different kind of Ramen places we have in Japan. One warning to people who want to try out lots of Ramen places in Japan. There re some few places will strict you to some rules to eat Ramen such as do not bring kids, drink soup before you eat noodle, and no talking. I feel it is too rediculaous to make a rules to eat Ramen. I usually don’t go to those places because I like to share thoughts to friend or eat noodle at first.

I want to introduce one of my favorite Ramen which I didn’t mention in the beginning. Tantanmen (spicy Ramen) is theone I like and depend on where you eat, the spiciness will be different. It is fun to discover the variety kinds of Tantanmen in Japan. I want to introduce one of my favorite Ramen place in Japan. It is located in Odawara city in Kanagawa prefecture. 森羅’s (Shin-la) Tantanmen is so far best one in Kantoh region.


If you have a chance to visit Japan, try this spicy Ramen 🙂

Address of 森羅: Japan 〒250-0012 Kanagawa Prefecture, Odawara, Honcho, 2-14-16

Screen shot from street view on Google Map


What is Akihabara, Denny’s, Ramen?

One of the famous pop culture in Japan is an Animation which is growing every year.

I went to Akihabara with my fiance to show how does mecca of Japanese pop culture. I usually go there to purchase cheap electronics or souvenir to U.S. Most of the buildings in Akihabara are electronic shop, pop culture goods store, and cafes. I want to point out the cafes in Akihabara are little different than any other cafes in Japan. Some are called “Maid Cafe” which is maid will serve the food and drink to a customer with servant attitude. In other word, maid cafe is consider as cosplay restaurant. We didn’t went to Akihabara because I knew that they will charge a lot for those service + the food and drink’s price range are about 500-1000yen ($6-$11) which is pretty pricey. However, some maid cafe enthusiastic people are obsessed to go for enjoyment, not like me going to Japanese Denny’s.

I like Denny’s in Japan. On the other hand, I do not like Denny’s in U.S. The big differences between Japanese and American are first, Japanese are not crazy about bacon like American Denny’s. Becon sundae…? What in the world who eats that desert after the meal. In Japanese Denny’s, they do not serve those bacon dishes. They serve variety kinds of food, such as Ramen, steak, raw/grilled fish, sandwiches, lasagna, and etc. One of my favorite is the hamburger steak with Japanese style soy sauce. Incredibly delicious to me and I always order same items, but that is just me. I forgot to take those photos for this post, but I will bring up more and more in the future.

We went to Japanese Ramen store called 鈴蘭(Suzuran) in 新宿(Shinjuku) area. I ordered辛つけ麺(Spicy dipping Ramen) and my fiance ordered 中華そば(Chukasoba) which is same as regular Ramen, but they serve authentic style.

Store Location


I should go there again because I like the spicy soup and meat was marinated with black pepper!





Hello WordPress

Hi, I am BTBhohei

I am interested into a lots of stuffs on the internet. Such as technology, news blog, fashion, and so on. Since its 2013 and my brother’s recommendation, I felt this is the best time to make my blog.

Here is my spec:

AGE: 23
LANGUAGE: Japanese/ English
I‛VE BEEN TO: Vancouver/ Utah/ California/ Guam/ Hawaii
FAN OF: Ferrari/ Google/ Food/ Game

I want to make this blog for expanding my thoughts to the world, and share my interests with other people. I am living in Kantoh(関東) region in Japan and trying to fit in Japanese society. I felt living in U.S. changed me in a good way and I like being Americanized in this collectivism culture. However, I think there are some merit and demerit to be Individualism. So far I am doing totally fine being myself in Japan. I might write a lots of different kinds of thoughts like what is happening in the world now, thoughts to our government, and hundreds of interesting stuff in this world. I think I can’t write perfectly onto this blog, but I will try my best! Hope I can share this with lots of people in the world 🙂






神奈川県藤沢市辻堂神台1−3−1 テラスモール湘南 4F 美山湘南辻堂店
Miyama, Terrace Mall 4F, 1-3-1 Tsujidokandai, Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture
・豆乳出汁/ 昆布出汁/ 以下略



Today, me and three of us went to eat Shabushabu(Japanese hotpot food) in Tsujidou Terrace mall. The store called Miyama and they also serves Sukiyaki. This restaurant runs all-you-can-eat food, so in 70 minutes, every meats(depends on your course menue), vegetable, drinks, and icecream are all-you-can-eat. I thought it was funny that the icecream was all-you-can-eat.
First, we order two different kinds of soups from the menue. I forgot how many are there, but we choose regular and soy milk flavor. I usually likes the regular soup, because it has the authentic flavor from Konbu. It is like a seaweed kind like Wakame, but Kombu is really matches with this kind of hotpot food. After ordering the soup, we will get vegetables and drinks until the meat comes. Since it was all-you-can-eat restaurant, they served the meat in a minute; however, the soups werent ready, so we waited few minutes until soups get hot and ready. In a 3-4 minutes, soups become ready to cook the meat and vegetable. There are sesame sauce and Ponzu sauce (Japanese soy sauce with Citrus) to enjoy your food. Here is an example of how I eat Shabushabu.

Put Tofu, Shitake mushroom, and other vegetable
While cooking vegetable, cook your meat from 5-10 seconds (depends on how you want the meat cooked, I personally like middium rare).
Take the specialized tool to scoop the harshness of meat from soup.
Continue 1-3 until you feel full and satisfy.
After sick of eating meat and vegetable, bring Udon and cook with the flavored soup. Soup contains rich flaver from meat and vegetables.
While cooking Udon, bring a bowl, salt, and pepper.
If Udon is ready to eat, put Udon into your bowl, and add soup stock, salt, and pepper to make your Udon soup.

The name of Shabushabu came from the sound of cooking meat with soup. The Japanese as a language can make the sound effect into words. I mean any kinds of sound effect can be say in words. Such as jumping sound effect with be Pyonpyon(ピョンピョン), knocking door will be Konkon(コンコン), and so on. Another interesting fact about the hotpot food culture is the word called Nabebugyou(鍋奉行). Nabebugyou is the people who wants to make the hotpot food for everyone, or people who give order to other people for cooking meat and vegetable. Its one of the funny culture in Japan and hope you can experience in the future.

P.S. My English and Japanese arent perfect, but hope you can enjoy! 拙い英語や日本語で書き上げましたが、次回もよろしくお願いします。